Called to Serve


Click here to see the ‘Called to Serve’ to Parish Ministries Brochure

Would you like to, or are you thinking of becoming involved in our parish in any way? Wondering if there is any way you could help out in the parish but are unsure of what to do? Who to contact?

There are many ways to become involved in the parish life of the Irish Martyrs. Here you will find a list of the various ministries in our parish. In the section ‘Ministries’ on the right, you will find a more detailed explanation of some of these ministries if you wish to know more about them. Maybe you have a new idea on a possible ministry or activity that would be of benefit to our parish, if so, please feel free to contact us, we are always interested in hearing from you.

To become involved please download and complete the ‘Called to Serve‘ form  and return it to the Parochial House or to the sacristy before or after any Mass.  Alternatively you may contact the Parish Office by email or phone, or you may speak one of the priests of the parish if you would like get more information.

Training will be provided for the Ministries.