Eucharistic Ministers 

Since Vatican II the laity have been encouraged to participate more actively in the life of the Church.  One of the ways this has developed has been in the liturgy of the Church, where special ministries have been developed to enable people to participate in the reading of the Word of God and assist with the distribution of Holy Communion.

Those who help the priest with the distribution of Holy Communion are called Eucharistic Ministers.  Eucharistic Ministers help in sharing the sacred body and blood of Christ at each Mass in our parish by assisting the celebrant in the distribution of the Eucharist to the assembled faithful.  They may also extend this service to the community by bring communion from the Mass to the sick or housebound each week.

Eucharistic Ministers receive training to fulfil the role and this also enables them to discern whether they are suitable for this ministry.  The basic requirements for the role would require people to:

  • Attend mass faithfully each Sunday and be free to receive Holy Communion themselves
  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Be available and willing to take part on a rota